About Renno Specialists


At Renno Specialists, we live the philosophy of “Constructing with Integrity.” This commitment to excellence symbolizes our philosophy of doing business. It articulates our fundamental values of hard work, thrift, honesty and fairness. It reminds us to extend respect to all people and honor their individuality. It means listening to understand—then fulfilling our commitments made.


Quality defines the standards of excellence we build into every structure and relationship. Whether it’s found in our precision scheduling, detailed estimating, open-book project accounting or forthright communication, our management style stands as a symbol of quality and first-class work.


This defines our commitment to our associates—the people with whom we partner on behalf of the client—including owners, vendors and the community. We are dedicated to working together, respecting everyone’s interests and maintaining a common agenda for contract fulfillment. We believe that increased effort on behalf of our clients—as well as closer alliances with our colleagues—will result in fair business practices, open communication and high levels of trust within our relationships.

Completed Projects

Project 1
San Melia